Sunday, April 15, 2012

Wrath of the Titans...Its fine...

Its fine. Thats all it is. Not bad. Not amazing. Not even good. Just fine.

I went to see this film with a pal of mine against my better judgement. It was fine.
Im not sure if it was down to the fact that I didnt want to go and see it anyway that made me completely neutral about it or if it was the fact that they should never have made a sequal to Clash of the Titans but this film just really didnt do itself any justice.

The beginning of the film showed minor promise as it didnt by any means linger around or beat about the bush getting to all the action, in fact the audience are pretty much thrown into it from the get go. But is this actually a good thing? At times I felt like we had been dropped into the deep end of the film with no real in depth explination as to why the titans were escaping.

Later in the film the characters get attacked by a group of Cyclops in a forest. When I say a group of Cyclops, it was only in the scene after showing about 5 of them walking with the characters that I realised that there was more than 1. Prior to this I assumed that this perticular cyclops was either very fast or could teleport to other characters locations to have some sort of time warp battle. Turns out I was wrong.

The ending of the film was quite possibly the most anti-climactic thing I have ever bared witness to. Zeus's father Cronos escapes the depths of Hade's and busts into the relm of the living in the form of an enormous moulten lava man. Roughly around 5 minutes later he's dead and the world has been saved by the main character. Not because of some epic fight, because our main man decided to throw a spear that the Gods had made down the throat of Cronos essentially choaking the 700ft man beast and perminantly ending him.

Honestly, I wouldnt suggest thinking about going to see this film let alone actually going there. Its messy, uncoordinated, filled with errors and plotholes and just all around is a dissapointment.

If I could give it a mark out of 10 it would be 5. If I were to descibe it as a colour it would be Grey.
I have absolutely no strong feelings either way about this film. Its just fine.

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