Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Maya - Alien Modelling

The first part of our Alien project was to begin to model and build our practice character using Maya and the image plains we had previously made from the reference pictures that Matt had given us. In the begining of the modelling I wasnt really too sure on where to start and how to get the best shape so I started with a simple cube and placed split edges around its parimeter in order to shape it into the image I had for reference. However my first attempt didn't go as well as I thought it would and due to only using split edge tools and deleting some vertexes that I actually needed to keep I ended up having to delete my first attempt and restart, although thankfully I hadn't gotten too far when the decision to restart was made.

When making my Alien a second time around I was a lot happier with how it turned out. Rather than using split edges on my primitive cube I insted used only the edge loop tool, this meant I had a lot more control over my vertex manipulation and I made the model with a lot more ease and quicker too.

Generally I'm really happy with how my model turned out, he looks a lot like the alien character that we were given for reference and i found the whole modelling process to be very relaxing and enjoyable. I think more practice and it will spurr me on to creating my own models in Maya using my own designs and concepts that I've drawn up.

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