Thursday, October 11, 2012

Thought Bubble 2012

 That time of the year is coming again when it will be time for me to attend the annual Thought Bubble festival. I love this time of year, Autumn is known as the season of change in both ways that we can and cannot see. I often find this is the case for Thought Bubble as every year is a time for each person attending to go in a different costume and meet new people who have different things to sell.

Last year I went as a character from Anime/Manga series, BLEACH. A youngster called Lillinette, this year however I will be going as the Joker's girlfriend and partner in crime to stop Batman, Harley Quinn. I already made sure to get everything I needed for the cosplay early so that I didn't have to worry about any missing components when it came to the final week before Thought Bubble to make sure everything is in place.

However it isn't just the cosplay opportunities, photo-shoots and generally being able to talk to others who enjoy similar interests as you that I enjoy most about Thought Bubble. What I honestly enjoy the most about the festival is how easy it is to browse professional artists work who are sat right in front of you and the ease of being able to ask them all about how they got to where they are now. I always use opportunities such as these as what I like to call "Sponge-bases" that I use to soak up any and all knowledge the professionals have to offer me. I find that any event like this where people already in the industry that you want to be in are literally stood in front of you wanting you to talk to them should never be passed up and as far as networking goes I believe it is one of the best places to start or widen contacts.

I cannot wait for Thought Bubble and I will make certain to talk to as many influential people as I can and use this Sponge-base to soak up as many new contacts, techniques and information as I can.

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