Friday, October 28, 2011


Throughout this first module I have learnt a range of new skills and developed my art in new mediums. The first part of the module was collecting information around me through visits to the Museum and Royal Armouries, by taking photographs I was able to piece together mood boards of different aspects of what my character would look like as well as the time period that they lived in. I also used the internet and researched a range of different concept artists to get a better feel of what style of art I wanted to use and what my character would look like not aesthetically (facial features ect) but more on the art form itself ie: Cartoon, Realistic, Anthropomorphic.

Collecting this information then lead to creating my characters back story and fitting them into an Archetype, of which my character is the Shadow. This brief allowed me to play around with my character and improve proportions and posing which not only developed my own skill but improved the over all quality of my character and future ones to come. This brief widened my thoughts to the environment my chosen character would live in and how it has effected the way she looks, thinks and acts respectively. I really enjoyed this part of our module as I felt it really played to my strengths and my imagination, I found that creating a back story for my character was very enjoyable and gave me the freedom I needed to turn my character into anything I wanted her to be.

On the other hand, when It came to focusing solely on my characters environment I found myself more times than not getting highly frustrated, unable to create environments that looked natural and realistic without using thick black lines. I did however, correct this and the final outcome of my laboratory environment was to an artistic level that I deemed suitable. Although I may not be one hundred percent happy with the environment outcome in comparison to the work of others, I understand where I need to improve and develop in later assignments and in using media's such as Photoshop I feel I've grasped a range of drawing styles quite quickly that will aid me in the future.

I feel this module as a whole has been successful for me, I have learnt new skills in drawing traditionally as well as digitally and I know which areas I need to improve upon. The skills I have learnt on Photoshop will definitely be carried on and developed as I begin new modules and I will hopefully improve the skills that I need more work on.

Things To Be Improved:
  • Avoid outlining characters & environments with think black lines.
  • Attempt to make characters & environements more realistic and professional.
  • Write more blogs on more artists.
  • Participate more in class & group speaking.
Things I Have Enjoyed Most:
  • Developing & improving human proportions.
  • Creating a backstory and history to my character.
  • Being able to use my imagination freely.

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