Sunday, May 20, 2012

Who Am I

In this lecture we made notes on how to balence both professional and casual life.
The following notes focus on how others perceive me and what language I can use to help people to understand me better.

- How does personal traits work positively or negatively.
- Do you make judgements around how people look or what they do.
- Does a persons skill set determine more about your personality.
- How does everyone else look at me.

LANGUAGE  - Helps yourself to be understood by others more clearly, being able to seperate personal and professional ideals and to understand the needs of the people i am with, (audience.)

Carl Jung 1875 - 1961, created personality archetypes, this meant that anyone could fit into a predetermined category due to what that person is like. These categories are:

- The Self
- The Shadow
- The Anima or Animus
- The Persona

"Whatever the circumstances of your life, the understanding of type can make your preceptions clearer, your judgements sounder and your life closer to your hearts desire" - Isabel Briggs Myers

Introverts/Extroverts, this is the first criteria that helps to define a source and direction of expression for a person. Extroverts have a source and direction of energy mainly in the outside world, thus Introverts have sources of energy mainly in the internal world.

But what are Into/Extroverts?

Every person has two faces, one directed to the outer world, this includes excitement, people and physical things.
The other face directs itself to the inner world, this consists of thoughts, interests, ideas and imagination.

Most people veer towards a certain perference rather than both which in turn can make them Introvert or Extrovert, this can then determine which role takes dominance in their behaviour.

Extrovert Characteristics:

- Act first, think later.
- Deprevation when cut off from the outside world.
- Motivated by people and things in the outside world.
- Enjoy changes in people and relationships.

Intovert Characteristics:

- Think before acting.
- Need time to theirselves to relax, enjoy their own company.
- Motivated internally to the point of being closed to the outside world.
- Prefer one to one relationships or smaller groups.

How do we perceive or understand

The part of our being that senses notices sights, sounds and smells. It records and organises specifics of here and now, forever staying present. It is reality based.

The intuitive side forms overall patterns of data and stores these patterns and relationships. It forcasts the future and is imaginative and full of concept.

Sensing means the person believes mainly data they recieve directly from the external world. Intuition means a person believes mainly data they receieve from the internal or imaginative world.

Sensing Characteristics:

- Living in the now.
- Common sense and creating practical solutions is automatic.
- Memory recall is detailed in past events.
- Best improvise from past experience.
- Likes clear, solid information and not guessing.

Intuitive Characteristics:

- Living in the future and future possibilities.
- Creates new possibilities from the imagination.
- Memory recall emphasises contexts and connections.
- Best improvise from theoretical understanding.
- Comfortable with guessing the meaning or unclear data.

Thinking and feeling us the third criteria which defines how people process information. Thinking means a person makes a decision mainly through logic whereas feelings make decision based on emotion.

Thinking Characteristics:

- Search for facts and logic in a decision.
- Notices tasks and work to be accomplished.
- Easily able to provide an objective and crit analysis.
- Accept that conflict is natural in relationships with others.

Feeling Characteristics:

- Employ personal feelings and impact on people in decision situations.
- Naturally sesitive to peoples needs and reactions.
- Seek consensus and popular opinions.
- Unsettled by conflict, have almost a toxic reaction to disharmony.

Judging is the fourth criteria and defines how people implements information they have processed. Judging means that a person sorts his life events and acts strictly according to his plans. Percieving means they are inclined to improvise and seek alternatives.

Judging Charactersitics:

- Plan details in advance before acting on them.
- Focus on task related action.
- Work best and avoid stress when keeping ahead of deadlines.
- Naturally use targets, dates and standard routines to manage life.

Perceiving Characteristics:

- Comfortable moving into action without plan or plans on the go.
- Enjoy multi tasking and mixing work with play.
- Naturally tolerant of time pressure, work best closer to deadlines.
- Instinctively avoid commitments which interfere with flexibility, freedom and variety.

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