Thursday, October 11, 2012

Character Concepts 1 - Seraphim Snake

For the begining of this module we were told to create prospect characters with the intention of making them into an animated machinma short. The first thing that came to mind for me was Angels and snakes, the image above shows rough sketches of my first character: The Seraphim Snake.

The reason behind combining the two was simple, I was literally picking my favorite breed of religious Angel with one of my favorite animals. The Seraphim and the snake, to create this wooly headed creature.
I thought carefully about what it is that the Seraphim stands for and what they as angels are designed to do, they are the highest ranking angel of the Lords hierarchy and are direct servants to his throne, responsible for holding the throne itself up. The human kind often picture them as the stereotypical winged humanoids that unlike the rest of the angels, carry a sword of fire. I however have read different passages and found much more interesting descriptions of what these creatures look like.
The one I read about and had already been naturally raised to believe was that Seraphims are in fact gigantic 6 winged snakes, made from a body of fire, each pair of their 6 wings has their own purpose when serving the Lord as follows:

PAIR 1: These wings protect and cover the eyes of the Seraphim, as neither Angel nor man may ever look directly at the Lords face the Seraphim must naturally protect its face and eyes for it is not worthy, even as the highest ranking angel in the kingdom of Gods army.

 PAIR 2: These wings aid the Seraphim in flight, they do not cover the creatures body in any way and are used to perpetually fly above the ground that the Lord walks on as to walk on the same ground as God would destroy man and Angel alike.

PAIR 3: The final pair of wings that serve a similar purpose as the second pair of wings, rather than using these wings to fly however the final pair of wings is used to cover the feet or in this case the tail, these wings are used for the main purpose of not walking on the same ground as the Lord.

Because the whole history on the Seraphim is a pretty serious one I decided to sweeten it up a bit by creating a cartoony snake whose body naturally reenacts the same purposes of the originally depicted Angel. The design for my character only has 2 wings unlike the previously stated 6. This is because he only needs his one pair of wings to fly with, the replacement for his other two wings is in fact the wool that grows around his head and tail.
The image above shows two designs for the Seraphim snake, image 1 (the top image) shows the creature in his full bodied form, a small fat serpentine body, wooly head and tail as well as two wings sprouting from his head. The wool on his head is usually flat to his skin unless he is near the Lord, then he fluffs up as shown in the other drawing, making the wool cover the majority of his eyes and face. The same goes for his tail, which fluffs up when he is close to the ground that God is stood on.

I will consider using this character and do further research into it before I make my final decision about what to use in the final outcome for this module.

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