Friday, October 19, 2012

Mammoo & Robot Storyboard

The image shown above shows the draft storyboard that I made for this module before we begin animating. There are things that I will redo within the storyboard, one being the design of the robot and I will also add more annotations on the storyboard itself showing things such as camera angles and sound engineering. For now I will explain each panel of the board to give a brief idea of what the animation will entail.

PANEL 1. Wide angle long shot (perhaps extreme long shot) of the surrounding environment, showing the audience where the scene is being set. Sound of the cold wind blowing across the ice lands.

PANEL 2. Wide angle medium shot of main character fishing, the wide camera angle shows his igloo home in the back and possibly mountains in the distance = isolation. Continued sound of wind blowing.

PANEL 3. Close up of the fishing line being tugged from under the water. Sound includes wind blowing and a comical tugging sound from under the ice.

PANEL 4. Close up of main characters face as he realises that he has caught something on his fishing line. Sound includes wind and possible shocked gasp from character.

PANEL 5. Wide angle shot of character starting to pull at his fishing rod, add comical yanking and pulling sounds as he struggles.

PANEL 6. Close up shot of ice cracking and breaking around the hole in the ground, sounds of ice crumbling and cracking.

PANEL 7. Wide angle shot of hunk of metal begining to rise out of surface of the ice, main character getting the fishing rod pulled from his hands and stepping back in shock. Sounds of ice breaking and being destroyed (louder cracking that sounds used in previous shot).

PANEL 8. Close up of continued metal rising out of the water and ice, sounds of huge rumbling and breaking of the ground, maybe whimpering of main character as the metal figure continues to rise from the ground.

PANEL 9. POV shot looking down at character below, used to make him appear tiny and vulnerable under the gaze of the new metal character. Sounds finalize the runbling and breaking of the ice as character reaches maximum height, robotics and grinding of metal, turns back to quiet and wind blowing.

PANEL 10. POV of main character now looking up at the robot. (Inverted gaze as last panel was from robot characters POV) Robot appears to be empowered and gigantic. Sound of absolute silence except for wind and whimpering of little character looking up at robot.

PANEL 11. POV of robot, this time displaying lock on target stats as he looks at the small character below, sounds of beeping and engineering as he targets little character.

PANEL 12. Wide angle long shot of Robot and small character size comparison before robot blasts other character with a laser beam, sound of silence before laser goes off, when laser is released huge zapping futuristic sound.

PANEL 13. Extreme long shot shown in outer space, small mushroom cloud is seen at the top of the globe where the Robot has zapped the smaller ice dwelling character. Sounds of absolute silence as there is no sound in space.

PANEL 14. Close up of the main character, now a singed pile of ash on the floor. Sounds of smokey hissing.

PANEL 15. Close up of character, sound of a little splash as the fish he was wanting to catch all along pops up out of the ice and flops around next to him. Sound of smoke and silence.

PANEL 16. Continued close up of character in his ash pile. Sounds of sizzling and flopping of the fish. Possibly followed by a muffled growl from main character as he now cannot catch the fish he wanted in the first place.

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