Monday, January 28, 2013

VFX Modelling My Alien In Mudbox (Body)

 After making the bust of my alien model based on the concept busts I have also done some experimenting with the Molten Plague alien as a full bodied creature. I've done this as a safety precaution so that should just the alien bust alone not suit the scene of my film then I have a backup full bodied alien thats ready to rig.
 Like the original bust model, this aliens full body was created, sculpted and painted in Mudbox. This model is based more around the previous work-in-progress concept piece that I did of my alien as one of the first attempts. Although its a full body piece I can honestly say that I didn't spend even half the amount of time making this as i did with my bust alien, this was because I was quite sure that just the modeled head of my alien would look fine in the scene.
 There are aspects of this model that I like, such as the spindly fingers and humanoid shape. However, the colouring of the alien in this example is not as nice as the one I did for the original model of the alien but is more of an example of the similar colours that I would be using should I have to need to use this full bodied model in my shots.
I think that even if I did have to use this model there are things I would need to change about it. For one, the colour, it would need to be detailed and have the same colour pallet as my original molten plague concept. Another thing I would change would be the club-like hand, although this is shown in one of the original concepts that I've combined with the more up to date concept I only oversized the hand which in the long run would cause mesh errors so I would have to model the club in Maya then take it back into Mudbox. I would also have to give this alien a mouth that is wide and gaping like my original concept design.

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