Thursday, May 23, 2013

Hazardous Concepts - Website In The Making

Because my facebook page seems to have become quite popular, certainly more so than I expected, I've taken it upon myself to start designing my professional website.
This website will be the place where people can properly get in contact with me, view my portfolio work, email me and discuss commission prices and general art work related topics that I might be able to help in.

I have been talking about my website design to my friend, Kyle Prior, who knows how to design professional websites and wants to do web design as a full time career.
We have both decided to help each other in making this website for my artwork as in return for his designing of the website and actually getting it up on the web, I'll be promoting his web designing abilities and allowing him to use my website as a part of his portfolio work to help him along in future jobs, because we are trying to network and get as far ahead as we can I feel that its important that we both help each other in order to achieve our goals.

The web page isn't nearly complete yet, it is still in its most basic html stages and needs to be completely fleshed out before it can even be considered to be used for the world wide web. In the mean time I'm going around various websites and writing down notes on the presentation that each website has, which elements I like from each site and how I feel they might improve my website should they be included. Some sites that I've looked at include Kekai Kotaki's art, Daarken, Nicholas Kay and Lawrence Mann. I'm going to sit down and really think about what could be unique and eye catching on my web page that would attract more people into visiting the page and hopefully getting in touch with me.
I need to have my own stand alone attraction that makes my website stand out above all the rest while creating a professional outlook on my work. I know that it's going to take time but I'm extremely looking forward to it and really can't wait until the site is all up and running for public display at last.

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