Monday, December 23, 2013

Rational & Irrational Fear

As part of my essay I've started looking into the various types of fear and how they effect us in different ways. The first two that  I looked at were rational and irrational fear, rather than writing up a paragraph about the bog standard definition I'm going to turn it into somewhat of a fact file, this will make it a lot easier for me to understand when I come back to referencing it in my essay.

Rational Fear

What it is: Rational fear can be related somewhat to instinctive fear. It is the fear we experience when coming into contact with things that we know could do us harm.
A rational fear has a strong, verifiable basis in reality. Is there a reason behind the fear.

Examples: Venomous animals, heights, water, fire.
              (fear of being bitten)(falling)(drowning)

Case Study: - Being in a relationship with a man or woman who has a history of being unfaithful and being told by a friend that they have seen your other half holding hands and kissing with someone else.

- Being in the company of a venomous animal such as a snake or spider, that can and will bite without being provoked.

Irrational Fear

What it is: A persistent, abnormal, and irrational fear of a specific thing or situation that compels one to avoid it, despite the awareness and reassurance that it is not dangerous. Irrational fear is also a form of paranoia or phobia.

Examples: Butterflies, germs, flying, loud noises.
                 (flying near person)(plane crash)(storm or fireworks)

Case Study: - Being in a relationship with a man or woman who has no history of being unfaithful. Knowing where they are and what they are doing yet being unavoidably scared of them cheating on you.

- Being in the company of an animal such as a snake or spider that has no venom and is of absolutely no harm to a human being what so ever and still being scared of it biting and injecting you with venom.

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