Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Dissertation Poster

A while ago we were asked to design a poster outlining out intentions of what we would be involving into our dissertations. I quite like the way that my poster turned out, it has bits of my essay in the background and clear categories for the things that I am looking at throughout the essay.

On the day that we submitted our posters we all went around each others pieces and commented on what we thought of them and mine received generally positive comments. The only thing mentioned was that people would have liked to have seen my artwork, this is in fact actually shown behind the "research - applied art work" section as all the artworks are my own.

To be honest although I enjoyed making the poster itself I really didn't understand why we had to make it. I know that we had to in order to show what it is that we would be writing about in our dissertations but aside from that we could have just spoken about them in small groups rather than making a once off poster of intent.

That said I'll be using this poster to my advantage in order to help me plan my essay out into separate categories, this should help it piece together bit by bit and I shouldn't have to worry about having to write enormous chunks of text fearing a lack of direction.

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