Saturday, October 15, 2011

Character Development & Environment Work

Carrying on from the last post, my character designs and concepts have changed dramatically over the past week or so, from masked people to the Seven Deadly Sins and Holy Virtues. The problem I had from the word go was not knowing who to choose, given that I now had 14 stock characters to consider. In the end I narrowed it down to two of the deadly sins, Sloth and Wrath/Rage.

I knew what I wanted each of my characters to look like, or atleast had a rough idea. For Sloth I wanted the character to be a male in his early twenties, wearing baggy, relaxed clothing, slippers and a messy bed head from lounging around. I then decided to give him his own animal representation which in a way reflects my previous 2 ideas of masks and anthropomorphic beasts, as shown below, Sloths companion is a somewhat disturbing representation of a 3 toed sloth found in tropical reigons of our world. This interpritation however, has been given a simple rounded mask stitched to its face as well as bloodied bandages wrapped around its forearms.
Sloth T-Pose & Natural
Sloth and Slithe
Now that I had the basic idea of what i wanted my first chosen character to look like I needed to think a bit more about colour schemes and more close up concept art so I designed a simple body piece of Sloth as a WIP and reused its begining form for a simple colour chart to decide what sort of colours and tones would suit him best. Looking back at this reference chart I decided that I would stick to more relaxed and bland colours shown in the first grey and blue example, the mottled red and purple also did a nice job of complimenting what I wanted others to persive Sloths personality as. However I decided against the bright green and grey chart example as I thought it looked too vibrant and active, both of which Sloth is not.

Sloth Concept Colour Chart
After hours of getting tiny little things right for my sloth character I had my character final outcome along with his companion and some character information. As you can see I made the slightest of changes to Sloths design by making him appear more like a "dr.Frankenstein's monster without a purpose" by adding some random stitching along his face, neck and arms.
Final Sloth Concept
The other character I chose to create was also one of the seven deadly sins, Wrath (or Rage). When plans to design Wrath first began I had originally intended for it to be a male, sporting short spikey red hair and bright loud clothes. Least to say the idea was thrown out of the window when I decided to change both Wrath's gender and aesthetics. As the concept art below shows, I have designed Wrath to resemble a sickly, emaciated young woman who comapred to what her name would suggests, appears to very weak.
I wanted to give Wrath a murderous look so added bloodied bandages around her limbs and lacerations on her skin. Her face hints at my previous character designs of masked humans although her mask is completely blacked out thus making her blind to everything around her, relying on other sences to survive. I have also added spider-like vectors pertruding out from her back which further adds to her sickening appearence.

The environment I chose to design for Wrath is a small lab that was used to keep her captive away from all other human contact. Although the lab itself is small, it is heavily protected with laser gates that surround the borders and around Wrath herself. She is also in a coccoon made of bandages keeping her body in a tight foetal position, not allowing any movement explaining why she appears so frail.

 The location of the lab is in the middle of a dessert as can be shown by the sand gathering around the outside of the Lab walls and also inside from where it has blown in (as the lab is so well protected a door was not needed). However saying that I have drawn obvious blood stains smeered along the walls of the inside of the lab, suggesting that those who were responsable for keeping Wrath in its walls were murdered by her. I have chosen this to be Wraths home as although her character is an instinctive killer, the lab is the only place she has known and thus uses it as her own humble abode.
Wrath Envrionment
Other than the two main characters that I have been focusing on, I also attempted concept art on the Holy Virtue of Charity, designing her as a little girl. As youngsters often enjoy collecting little treasures and exploring I thought it would be fitting to design her wearing welly-boots and crafted seashell necklaces and bracelettes as shown below.
Charity Concept 1
Charity Concept 2

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