Sunday, January 29, 2012

My Imput On Filming.

During our time filming I was responsible for making a storyboard for the rest of the group to follow. This was simple enough when we had the idea of what it was exactly that we wanted to see in the film itself. The storyboard also included the types of shots we wanted to include while producing it.

However when our plans changed to animate the film rather than actually shoot on cameras I then was given a set of backgrounds to recreate to be put into the animation, these backgrounds could be in whatever style we wanted and splitting the background work (3 backgrounds P.P) meant we would create a unique style in each shot. Mine are shown below. 

As far as artistic contributions to the production were concerned I had fullfilled my role in the team although I was going to help with editing as were the other members of my group as an editor had not been decided. However, this changed when a lack of work from another member of the group spurred me to make an emergency set of characters to make up for the ones that were not given to us. The objective was to draw them in silhouette form to create the "Okami opening feel." The images below show the characters I had to create in place of the other team member who's responsibility it originally was.
Battle Scene

Hell (Battle Stance)

Hell (Neutral Full Body)

Hell (Handshake)

Odin (Fight Stance)

Odin (Neutral Full Body)

Odin (Handshake)

Traveller (Neutral Full Body)
As a group we are chipping in together to help edit and animate whats left of what needs to be done. Besides having to take on another group members work because of being unreliable I think we have done well to get so far in such short time and Im proud of the teams accomplishments.

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