Sunday, January 29, 2012

When Cyriak Came To Visit

Last week we were told that one of my favourite animators was going to be coming into uni to talk a bit about himself after class, something which I couldnt pass up.
Cyriak's work has always been influential and inspiring to me as he has such a unique style of animating, something that has not really been touched upon or explored in much detail. Below are two examples of his work and the sort of styles each undertake. Note how although the content of the animations differ in style greatly the actual themes are similar and connote quite a morbid comical tone.

I first became aware of Cyriaks work in primary school when I watched "BeastEnders" a play on the already hideous television soap, "Eastenders". The unique if not grotesque style that the characters took on amazed and intrigued me and I have followed his work ever since. During his talk I managed to film him telling us a bit more about him and how he got to where he is today. 

That evening I went home and took it upon myself to thank Cyriak for the talk and how much it had helped me in thinking about being an Indie animator or working with a big company. I was surprised when he replied,

"Cheers Jess, I don't see many people in my line of work so its good to get out and waffle about myself now and then. Best of luck with whatever path you choose - I'm not even sure if I chose mine or not, my career seems to be something that happened by accident while I was messing around. It did take several years after I graduated for anything to happen so if you aren't as lazy as I am you'll probably make faster progress but don't worry too much if it takes ages - I think life is generally long enough to fit in a few crap jobs before you end up where you wanted.
take it easy
I really took alot from the reply I got back from Cyriak as it gave me hope and not to worry about how long it will take for me to reach my goal whatever carreer I decide to choose. The experience of meeting him and having him discuss his life with us was nothing short of a privillage and I would love for our group to have other oppertunities such as this one.

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