Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Skills Behind Concept Art

As my role in the group films that we made i was put in charge or concept art and some character art. I have always loved concept art and aspire to become a concept artist myself to explore a range of environments. In general the thought of being paid to do something I love and use my imagination sounds like nothing I would like more.

This video by Platform32 looks at Opus Artz, the lead base for concept artists to carry out their briefings, this video also explores the skills and values that employers look for in budding artists wanting to start out in the industry.

Although the concept art section of the gaming process is not a huge one compared to other media forms, it is the most appealing to me because as a concept artist you are being handed down information that other members of the greater scheme want you to carry out, in essence I believe its the job of a concept artist to make the creative directors visions a reality. I also believe its the concept artist who can be responsible for persons getting excited for the release of an upcoming game (eg: looking at images of the concept art that may have been leaked onto the web in the early stages of a games development.)

Personally I dont believe concept artists are given enough credit compared to some other divisions who help make a game. Without the concept artist all other contributing divisions would be at a loss and have nothing to go on, 3D animators and Maya modellers would be creating these dimensional renditions without a bulls notion of if it was to the liking of the higher ups or not. Recognition towards british concept art bases is growing slowly but surely and without a doubt a concept artist truly does breathe life into a games initial idea.

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