Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Corporate Cannibal - Moving Image Analysis

Corporate Cannibal, Nick Hooker (2008) is a video written by Grace Jones and made as a single.
The video appears to be raising issues on the world today and how corporations can devour all and destroy seemingly without any backlash or punishment, hence the name "corporate cannibal."

The video itself is quite unusual as it is all in monochrome, only using different shades of grey, black and white. This use of colour gives the video a very dull and serious tone, establishing the deadpan topic that is being sung about.
The framing of the video isn’t varied as such, as it mainly focuses on medium head on shots, although sometimes the subject is shot from the side, I believe the reason that most of the camera angles are the same is because the makers did not want to detract attention from the actual topic of the song and wanted most of the attention to be focused mainly on the lyrics and topic raised in the video. 

The way that the film has been edited makes the subject appear chaotic, distorted and mutated which I believe are linked to the subject matter of the corporate and government worlds destroying the lives of others through their own distorted and mutated ways.  The way that Grace Jones describes these corporations and governments makes it clear what her opinions of them are. Comparing them to cannibals and Satan, stating that they are “man eating machines” that “make you scrounge” and also that “every man, woman and child is a target.” Through listening to the lyrics it is clear that Grace has nothing but hatred for the corporate society and believes that they are doing more harm than good.

My own personal response to this video is mixed, although this video has a unique look to it, being in monochrome the entire way through, I still found it to be quite bland and lacked occasional bursts of colour that perhaps may have made some more important parts of the song stand out more or be given more significance. The subject matter that this song raises I did enjoy however, as I felt I could relate to how Grace feels about the corporate world.

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