Tuesday, March 27, 2012


In the lecture we recently had we discussed the importance of typography and how big of an impact it can have on how we view and interpret a text.

We looked at various pieces of text and afterwards I looked at comic books to find examples of how the type is laid out to create different emotions and perceptions of how the character is feeling.

This is a good example of how text is used to create different atmospheres, the standard text in the top panel shows a more calm speech pattern, the later panels show how both characters are becoming more aggressive towards each other, indicated with more bold writing where words may be shouted, the final panel uses huge, bold and over exaggerated type to show the immediate danger of one of the characters attacking the other. 

I found the lecture on typography to be quite interesting as I think it will help me connote a more clear understanding of my own characters feelings with the correct typography and style of font.  

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