Tuesday, March 13, 2012


  • Transmedia story telling is storytelling through a range of media forms with each element making distinctive contributions in order to understand the story world. Through these different formats "entrypoints" are created that make narratives that become immersive story worlds.
  • Transmedia is as old as human existence. 
  • Stories have been the content of our lives and the narratives are played throughout different medias are they are invented and developed in different societies. 
Word of Mouth -> Song -> Painted Image -> Sculpture -> Written Text -> Printed Page -> Photograph -> Film -> Game ->  ?

  • Modernism 
  • -> Media specificity is a modernist term. 
  • -> Part of a truth to materials ethic.
  • -> Anti narrative even though Modernism itself was a Grand Narrative.
Media Specificity                                                    Transmedia

Cubism & Abstract art                                             Graffiti & Street art

What I learned from that lecture is that media includes word of mouth, not only television, films and games.

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