Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Minecraft - Looks Can Be Deceiving

When someone asks you "what makes a good video game?", most would think explosions, guns and amazing graphics. Why is it then that Minecraft has earned millions and is one of the most well known games to arise these past few years?

Minecraft allows the character to make whatever they want, to build, mine, blow up, farm and create. You are given your own world that you can shape however the player wishes, all the while collecting food from plants and animals in order to survive.

What makes Minecraft such an amazing game for me is that the graphics are nothing short of some 3D 8bit hybrid, no jaw dropping visuals, just simplicity. I also love playing games that have a very laid back approach and that dont expect you to rush around doing missions all the time. In fact their are none. In Minecraft you can choose to be whatever you want and do however you please, the sheer fact alone that there is no storyline hooks me into playing the game as my character can be whoever he wants to be, If i chose to i could make him live in barren deserts or tundras of ice and snow. He could live in a mansion or a forest hut. The scale of which your imagination can run into this game is unreal which is why I think its one of the best games to have been developed and brought out within the past few years and it also shows that just because a game doesn't have amazing graphics doesn't make it a bad game. Sometimes it can in fact make it better and I hope in the future more creative and simple designed games start being born.

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