Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Vrana - Concept to 3D

After I had finalized my concept for what my statues would look like it was time to take them into Maya and start modeling them. The first thing I did was to use the human model in Mudbox and pose it into the shape I desired, this in itself was a challenge as I hadnt really used Mudbox before and trying to figure out how the joint programs worked was quite difficult at first.

After I had posed the human model I imported it into Maya and began shaping the robes onto it. I found this extremely trickey as using Maya previously I had not tried to challenge myself with things such as deforming, extruding and moulding each edge and face individually, however, despite not challenging myself previously I was able to create the robes for my statue to wear, all the while deleting all of the polys of the body parts that wouldnt be shown in the environment. Below I have taking some screen grabs of how my model has turned out.

All in all im extremely proud of how my model turned out as i felt that I really challenged myself and worked very hard to make the statues look the best I could make them and I will be sure to make more models such as this one on a regular basis to try and challenge myself further.

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