Tuesday, October 23, 2012

League of Legends - Art Spotlight

I thought I'd put this up on here as soon as I found it. Both of these videos are in fact artist spot lights for characters in the game, League of Legends. Above is the character Nautilus and Below, Cyndra.
Although there isn't a commentary or any real form of narration in these videos I still found it incredibly insightful to see the individual processes of how each characters concept art is made; from the very first sketches right up to the final rendering process.
I would love to be able to create this kind of artwork for my character concepts and so I will continue to watch these videos and make sure to jot down notes on any techniques that I notice while I watch the speed paints.

I know that there is only so much that these videos will help in my improvement though. Although an undeniable source of inspiration for myself Its extremely hard to really learn anything properly without any real guided narration of how each piece of work is done. Because of this I'm going to make more of an effort to find proper concept art tutorials both free and paid for in order to better myself and my artwork in the hopes of one day being able to create work such as these.

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