Thursday, November 22, 2012

NEST Competition - Down But Not Out

So recently I decided to join the competition for designing the new cover of the college's new student magazine, NEST. The guidelines for the competition were simple, stating that the subject matter could be as loosely or closely related to the word "Nest" as we wanted and that it had to be A5 in size.

I went ahead and made my design for the competition which consisted of two birds of paradise sitting inside a giant lettuce looking nest which was surrounded by various tropical flora.
The back cover of my design was a similar look to the front, except rather than two birds of paradise I designed two eggs sat inside the lettuce nest instead.

This was the first real competition that I have entered so I was quiet nervous when I started it at first, especially knowing that I didn't have nearly as much time as the other contestants who had found out about the competition sooner than I. Thankfully I didn't let my nerves get the better of my skill and got to work, soon after my design was complete and was safely submitted to the judges to be reviewed.

After waiting anxiously for the results and going over in my head all the things that I could have done better with the picture, the email was sent to me with the results saying that my design hadn't been chosen. This time.
Although my design didn't get chosen for NEST this time i'm honestly not put down by it at all, if anything Its made me more anxious and pumped up to try even harder and now that I've recently learnt some very useful new Photoshop skills under my belt I'll be able to use them next time and I'll just keep trying until my design is on the front cover of the NEST magazine.
I think nest time I'll try for a more concept-arty approach to put my new skills to the test.

If at first you don't succeed, try and try again!

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