Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Mammoo Modelling - Controllers & Rigging

As with my Alien model, I had to create my own version of a skeletal rig for my Mammoo character. The overall look of the rig looks very similar to the alien model apart from a few changes that I have had to make in order to accomodate the shape and design of my own character.
The controllers that I used for this model are also very similar to that of the alien model and like the Mammoo skeleton have a few differences from the other excersise.

One of the main differences between the alien rig and my own characters rig is the head. Unlike the alien, Mammoo's face was made through UV mapping not modelling and thus cannot be controlled like the other parts of its body can. Due to its lack of posable facial features this meant that I left out the eye, jaw and eyebrow controllers that had been previously put into the other model.

Another difference between my character and the alien was in the legs. Where the alien had an assortment of knee, ankle and foot joints in order to make it move in a more humanoid fashion, my characters stumpy build and marching walk meant that only the hip and feet controls were needed for it to walk as I wanted it to. The lesser amount of joints gave him the marching cartoony walk that I wanted him to have.

The final difference is in Mammoo's hands. Because his fingers resemble the tassles of a winter scarf he needed individual finger joints putting into his wrist, this differs from the alien who had more of a mitten-like shaped hand and lacked fingers to control.

Compared to my alien character I've enjoyed rigging this character a lot more as its challenged me to modify the rig we were already taught about and to really consider the movements of my character. In the future I will experiment with more of my own characters and perhaps make it even more challenging for myself by adding more legs to a creature ect.

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