Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Mammoo Modelling - Weight Painting

After making all of the controllers It was time to start weight painting my Mammoo character, prior to this I had never done any weight painting before so at this point I was quite nervous as I'd heard about the horror stories from other class mates about the problems they had faced when weight painting, however I tried not to let the nerves get in my way and started to paint onto the character. 

Once I got the hang of it I was actually very happy to do the weight painting of my character without the help of the tutorial that had been put up for us to aid us and in all honesty I found it to be a very relaxing experience much like UV mapping my character prior to starting this.

The only problems I had when I painted the weights onto the character happened on the first time of me working with weight paint for the first time, noticing that some parts of the mesh on the character were spiking and moulding erratically into odd shapes whenever Mammoo's joints were manipulated in certain ways. I soon corrected this however by flicking through each joint chain and seeing which part of y characters body was spiking due to not having any or enough influence of the weight paints on the skin. 

All in all I really enjoyed weight painting, I found it to be relaxing painting in the influences onto the character but at the same time having the challenge of correctly weight painting the body in order to avoid polygon spiking. I look forward to chances to do it again. 

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