Monday, January 28, 2013

VFX Final Concept Art - Alien

This is my final piece of concept work for my Alien design that I'll be including into my project. After creating the full bodied design that I used previously as reference I began to refine the look of the creature, adding more definition to the puss filled sacks on its body. Another aim I had was to create a more defined mouth, making it huge and gaping, filled with rows of sharp teeth.
For each variation of the design I created individual backgrounds to why they look like they do and how they use their assets to survive.

Poison Plague (Venenum Pestis)
Poison Plagues are found in areas high above sea level where the oxygen is thin, these areas can include mountainous regions, around active volcanos and guisers. They cannot survive for long in a high or even balanced oxygen environment. The mouths of the Poison Plague bare four large canine fangs, much like that of the modern day Babboon or Mandrill, between each pairing of fangs are more humanoid teeth, this suggests the Poison Plague is infact an omnivour. Because of the high levels of Carbon Dioxide/Monoxide these Aliens ooze a constant thick funnel of toxic fumes from their mouths that if inhaled by human, is fatal.

Molten Plague (Conflatilem Pestis)
Unlike their relatives, the Poison Plague, Molten Plague are able to inhabit a wider variety of habitats. Such habitats include inside and around active volcanoes, underground canyons and volcanic beaches. The Molten Plague gets its name from the glowing sacks hanging from its body, these sacks are infact filled with the red hot rock and brimstone that this creatures main diet consists of. Because these creatures rely on extreme heat to survive they have evolved in such a way as their bodies have developed various holes in the skin to allow excess heat and steam to be released. Although the Molten Plague has a diet of various hot rocks and minerals (hence the rows of scraper-like teeth around the entire jawline) these creatures have been known to eat other living things and kill them by expelling firery hot embers and black smoke onto their prey, choking and burning it to death. 

Sea Plague (Oceanus Pestis)
As its name would suggest, the Sea Plague inhabits various active coral reefs in the ocean. It is a highly adapted predator that is nearly invisible to the naked eye. The Sea Plague relies on its complex camouflage and ambush instincts in order to hunt its prey. Like the modern day Angler fish, the Sea Plague uses the tentacles on top of its head as a lure to other predatory animals whilst the boney coral formation and glowing fungas on its forehead and spine disguse its form further. Like many of Earths Octopie, Oceanus Pestis can change colour to both blend in and display. The large, single eye in the centre of its head allows it to hunt in deep waters where sun rays do not reach, its large and many tongues help it  latch and dismantle prey with little effort. 

Royal Plague (Regius Pestis)
The Royal Plague is arguably the most aggressive and adaptable of the Pestis genus. This creature gets its name from the large axe-shaped crest running along the top of its head as well as its crown of thorny spikes and thin, poisonous barbs along its spine. Unlike its relatives that use camouflage, lures and poisons to kill their prey, Regius Pestis uses brute strength, relying on its enormous neck muscles to carry the weight of the large tusks growing from the sides of the head. The Royal Plague mainly populate the forests and savanahs of its world, providing the area is vast enough it is possible that Royal Plagues can live in relative peace with one another, however when in close contact with one another regardless of sex they will maul and kill each other.

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