Wednesday, February 20, 2013

VFX Filming My Video

Recently I was given the oppertunity to begin directing my short film for this module. Prior to the day of shooting I made sure to write down all the shots and angles that I wanted to include into my short film as well as the kind of mood I wanted the film to have. On the day of filming I watched carefully what the other people were doing in order to direct their crew and managed to learn quite a bit about how to direct people properly as I don't consider myself a confident person capable of leadership by any standards so the thought of sitting down and shouting out orders for people to move equiptment around and actors to do as I wanted them to do proved very nerve-wrecking and quite stressful for me.
Once I had spent a bit of time helping to set up my lighting and camera the way I wanted it to be I took my actory for the day, Tim, to one side and walked through each scene with him, acting each part out with him as I went along. I found this way to be a more private and one on one way of helping Tim to understand how I wanted him to act in each scene and It proved to be more useful to me aswell to really get a feel of how I wanted Tim to act and feel while we were shooting.

One of the things that I found to be challenging suring filming was the limited space that the Green Screen provided Tim to move around in, as the director I sometimes found it to be quite tricky watching how Tim was acting and also looking at how much space was left for him to navigate on the Green Screen. We often found that in scenes which required more movement such as a shot where Tim is exploring the spaceship, he had to take extremely small steps and not over articulate his bodies movement too much or else he would come out of the green screen and we would have to retake the shot. 
Another thing I feel was quite hard for me when filming was to get people to listen to me as I aren't confident I felt that my voice was lost through other conversation at points and found it hard to speak up and tell people what it was that I wanted doing for each shot. I did however find it quite satisfying and rewarding after each shot had been done successfully

Now that All of my footage has been shot I'll soon be starting to put it into Final Cut and after effects and keying out the bits that I don't want as well as making Tim look like he's a part of the environment I've made. I'm looking forward to editing and piecing it all together to finish it.

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