Thursday, December 12, 2013

Evolution of a Monster - Pt 2

Over the past week or so I've been gradually building up my monster designs to try and achieve my final product.

Its been quite difficult so far, I'm getting close to designing my first symbolic monster but its hard to really get the feel that I'm looking for.  I think that even though Im doing a lot of research into various real life deformities that can be applied to monsters maybe I need to start getting a bit more fictional?

To try and fix this mental block I'm having at the moment I'm going to try and watch a few scary films, play some scary games and just get more of a feel for what the creative industries feel of a monster really is.

I've already been looking at a few monster profiles for the silent hill games and although a lot of them are based on human and animal disease and deformity many of them are seemingly stitched together from the artists own imagination, some not even looking particularly scary such as Silent Hill Homecomings: Robbie Rabbit toy which although is just a regular stuffed rabbit toy its still extremely scary and unnerving. 

Perhaps I should think a little more outside the box and use more of my imagination rather than focusing no so much first hand research?

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