Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Spooky Scary Monsters

So its finally gotten to the point where we have to write our dissertations. I had a good think about it over the holidays, thought about me as a person, what I enjoy reading about and drawing, things that are bound to catch my attention no mater what. It became quite clear that if i was going to write a dissertation on anything, it would have to be about monsters and fear.

My essay is going to look at what fear actually is, the different kinds of fear that we feel and under what circumstances that we feel it.
After that I think I'll get more into the nitty gritty of how the film and video games industry ties it all together and uses this fear to manipulate and exploit people.
On the subject of exploitation and manipulation I could even touch upon how the advertisement industry exploits audiences into buying products using scare tactics eg: If you don't buy this product your house might leak gas in the night, killing you in your sleep without any prior warning that would be given off by our product.

For the practical I'm going to make some nice concept art for a monster that reflects the things that I've been studying for this module. Making some nice renders, sketches, studies etc. I'm wanting to ask for the help of local biologists for help with building my monster up from its roots and to evolve it piece by piece into something that could actually live amongst us. I just have to find out how to get in contact with them!

All in all I wouldn't say that I'm particularly worried about this module, I'll be happy when its out of the way of course, I'd much rather spend all of my time drawing rather than writing a long essay. But I think if i do a good job of my time management I shouldn't have anything to worry about.
I just have to take a deep breath and go for it, the hardest part of writing essays for me is getting the ball rolling initially, once I've managed to write up an intro I shouldn't do too badly.

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