Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Sceneography - Refine The Refined Brief

Whilst making me environment I noticed that the actual design I wanted to do didnt really fit the brief that I had previously refined. Before my fairytale scene was going to be both interior and exterior. This has now changed, as well as the backstory of the scene:

Project Brief: Fairytale
Project Title: Vrana Shrine (previously Dragon Shrine)
Broad Audience: Teen
Mood / Atmosphere: Quiet, peaceful, secluded, mysterious, magical.

Scene Description

Time of Day: 5:am
Interior / Exterior: Interior (previously both)

Explanation / Backstory of Scene:  The Vrana (Croatian for "crow") were once a race of spiritual beings said to have fallen from the stars. The bodies of men and women, but the features of crows.
When they began to vanish, the last of the Vrana built shrines in dedication to their brothers and sisters, hiding away what little magic they had left. Now you've found one of their ancient shrines. As beautiful as the day it was made, if not a little more moss covered.

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