Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Mammoo Modelling - Getting Started

After successfully finishing the Alien project it was time for me to begin making the geometry for my Mammoo character, I was really excited to start modelling this character as I had already fallen in love with his design and couldn't wait to make it into a fully functioning three dimensional model.

It turned out to be easier said than done to start off with as I was still basing my own knowledge of the alien geometry to create a shape that could be mirrored to create its final geometry. However I didn't at first take into account that my Mammoo wasn't symmetrical and upon observing the shape of his body more carefully I decided to restart his geometry and use one solid shape rather than cutting a shape down the middle to mirror it. The results are shown below.

Another problem that I had to tackle was that due to his overly rounded shape I found it very hard to attach his legs to his body through stitching the vertexes together. Instead i found a way around this by just raising both of the legs up into the body a suitable enough distance so that the gap between the top of his leg and his body could not be seen, at first I thought this would cause problems but after getting advise I found out that a characters limbs could all be floating and not attached to their bodies and still move perfectly fine so I left the legs where they were.

Although challenging at times I've really enjoyed modelling Mammoo and found the whole experience of making his shape to be fresh and new compared to the more humanoid models that I've had to previously make. Although he was challenging to create at times I enjoyed having to think about how the shape may effect his movement and how to attempt to recreate his shape shown in the concept art. In the future I will attempt more wooly looking creatures and further my knowledge of modelling more unconventional shapes.

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