Saturday, December 1, 2012

Maya - Alien Binding

After creating the character and its controllers it was time to glue everything together through the wonderous world of binding. The objective behind binding wasn't perticularly difficult to understand, it simply came down to the fact that without binding the skin to the skeleton the geometry just would not move when the controllers on the skeleton were made to move.

I followed the video to the letter and did as I was instructed to do, the results were positive and I was rewarded with a fully functioning Alien model whos geometry would now move when its skeleton was manipulated through its controllers. I'm really happy with how it all turned out and I havn't really had too may problems from this part of the making of my character which i'm happy about but I still have quite a way to go until I can remember how to do these parts without having to look at the video tutorials and will continue to use these outside of study as reference to other projects.

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