Thursday, January 10, 2013

Our Exhibition

Recently we had our exhibition where we got to show off all of our latest machinima module work. The venue was a gallery at the bottom of town and we were all placed in charge of making sure that as many people as possible found out and knew about the exhibition.
When we got there we all began setting up various plinths, tables, projectors and posters showing off our work and videos as well as a table full of food and drink for when people arrived to sample some of our arty goodness.

At first I was quite nervous of the exhibition as I wasn't sure just how many people would show up to see our artwork but I was very happy when lots of people began to show up and took a lot of interest in all of the work that we had to offer which made me quite pleased.

 This was our official banner that we used for online advertising for our exhibition.
 This was the leaflet picture that we used for further advertising around university and on the day. We handed these out for people to come over to see our work.

The gallery itself was quite a nice size for our exhibition as it allowed for a cozy environment when viewing the artwork. However it was absolutely freezing throughout the entire exhibition and even when indoors the room offered near zero shelter from the cold. This was by far the biggest downer of the exhibition day because I feel that if the room had been warmer both the audience who came to view the work and us putting the work on display would have felt a lot more comfortable.

 It made me feel happy when I saw that so many people had showed up to the exhibition. Everyone seemed to take a lot of pride and interest in our work and people were keen on asking us lots of questions on how we went about making our machinima animations. I think it was a definite confidence booster to see that so many people took interest in our work despite how cold the gallery itself was.

All in all I enjoyed the exhibition quite a lot but I felt that It could have looked a lot better and had a better environment. The gallery was beyond freezing and I heard quite a few people commenting on this as they were walking around the premises. If we were to have another exhibition it would be nicer to use a less industrial environment like the gallery we used this time. I couldn't understand why we didn't organize to use the gallery that is on our college grounds, its clean, warm and welcoming.  I do think it was quite a success however and would like to do another exhibition again when I have time to further improve my skills as an artist.

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